Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ins & Outs

I thought this would be a fun post aside from my reviews. What are my Ins and Outs of the summer so far?

- A sun-kissed glow from being at the pool. Does a tan need an explanation as to why it's in a IN? ;)
- Working Out. There is is nothing like getting fit and eating healthy in the summer.
- Minimal makeup on a hot summer day.
- Home Decor. Recently, I have been loving home decor. Maybe it's due to the fact that I cannot wait to have my own home!

- The rain we have had the past 3 days... give me my sun back!
- Having to shave every day. I'll admit, I love smooth legs, but shaving every day is a pain, not to mention drying on your skin!
- Still having to work even though it's summer. The one thing I took for granted are my free summers in between school 

What are your ins and outs of the summer?

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