Monday, June 25, 2012

L'Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream

Today I am writing to you all about my favorite hand cream. I stumbled upon this hand cream back in December, and I wanted to make sure I truly liked it before I wrote a blog post about it. I bought this on a whim at Nordstrom during the height of the winter months. My skin is not dry, but my hands can start to feel tight and slightly dried out with the wind and colder air. The combination of washing my hands periodically throughout the day and the cold winter air, they were destined to get dry. Since I was in desperation, I decided to purchase the 1oz tube for $10. 

Once I opened the tube and applied it to my hands, the first thing I noticed was how thick the cream was. I only needed a pea size amount that would sufficiently moisturize my hands. The second thing I noticed was after I rubbed in the cream, there was no trace of stickiness, slipperiness, or greasiness. One of my biggest pet peeves about hand cream is not being able to open doors or touch anything with the fear of getting hand cream all over the place. The L'Occitane hand cream absorbed so quickly, I was really impressed. It left my hands feeling soft and supple for hours after application. 

If you haven't tried this hand cream out, I highly recommend it. 

What are some of your go-to hand creams? What do you like or dislike about hand cream in general?


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